Thursday, January 22, 2015

Models: How Computers Make Predictions

Computers can now analyze a player's kick, during practice, and predict where that bill will go (hopefully through the goal posts)

The Infinite Hotel Paradox - Ted Ed Video
By Jeff Dekofsky

How Old Are Your Ears? - YouTube

Asap Science

This MIT Lab is Making Solid Objects Move ... All by Themselves
One of the things that distinguishes the researchers' new system from earlier high-speed imaging systems is that it can capture light 'scattering' below the surfaces of solid objects, such as the tomato depicted here.
Image: Di Wu and Andreas Velten, MIT Media Lab

The Wonders of Graphene

One atom thick, graphene is the thinnest material known and may be the strongest.
Illustration by Chad Hagen

Black Holes Are On A Collision Course

This image, made from a computer simulation, shows two supermassive black holes. They appear to collide at the center of the galaxy PG 1302-102.
NASA/CXC/A. Hobart, Josh Barnes (U. of Hawaii), John Hibbard (NRAO)

Finalist Named for Major Teen Competition in Washington

The field of medals that will be awarded to finalists in the Intel Science Talent Search

What We Know and Don't Know About Ebola - Ted Ed Video

Brought to you by Jaime

Building Sponge City: Redesigning LA For Long-Term Drought

The Los Angeles River in 2013. Engineers turned it into a narrow concrete channel in the 1940s, after a flood destroyed homes and left 100 people dead in 1938.
Steve Lyon/Flickr

Friday, January 9, 2015

Harry Potter Reveals Secrets of the Brain
It’s easy to become absorbed by Harry Potter. A new study reveals which areas of a reader’s brain are active in processing words and sentences to create a vivid experience.

Exploring Other Dimensions - TED Ed - Video

A computer-generated rendering of a possible six-dimensional geometry similar to those studied by UW-Madison physicist Gary Shiu.Image: courtesy Andrew J. Hanson, Indiana University

The Worst Drought in 1,000 Years

This 1936 photo shows a farmer and his two sons during a dust storm in Cimarron County, Okla. The drought that struck North America two years earlier was the driest and most widespread in 1,000 years, a new study finds. It was just one of four major droughts between 1930 and 1940, a period called the Dust Bowl.
Arthur Rothstein, Farm Security Administration

A Nervy Strategy for Transplants

The tendrils in pink are nerve axons reaching out from a transplanted eye. The cells in green have electric charges on their membranes that keep the axons from growing. 

New Antibiotic Teixobactin Kills Drug-Resistant Superbugs, Study Says

A previously uncultured bacterium, Eleftheria terrae, is able to make teixobactin, a new antibiotic for which there is no detectable resistance.

The Secret of Fast Runners: Symmetry

Brought to you by Lily

 Bernhard Fink
Researchers measure the knees of elite sprinters from Jamaica. Scientists find evidence that symmetrical knees make running more efficient

Wanderers: A Stunning Short Video of Our Future in Space

Sunset on Mars, based on images taken by the Spirit rover.
Photo by Erik Wernquist, from the video

Measles Hits Disneyland: 9 Cases Linked to Theme Park

Brought to you by Talia

A single virus particle, or "viron", of the measles virus.
Credit: CDC/ Cynthia S. Goldsmith; William Bellini, Ph.D.

Trusting the Future? Ethics of Human Genetic Modification (Op-Ed)

Brought to you by Conor
