1936 photo shows a farmer and his two sons during a dust storm in
Cimarron County, Okla. The drought that struck North America two years
earlier was the driest and most widespread in 1,000 years, a new study
finds. It was just one of four major droughts between 1930 and 1940, a
period called the Dust Bowl.
Arthur Rothstein, Farm Security Administration
I was surprised to learn that what happened in North America in the 30's known as the Dust Bowl was the worst drought in North America in 1,000 years. What was most surprising to me was that human conduct had a lot to do with how bad the conditions became during the Dust Bowl. If people had understood that stripping the land of vegetation and then later leaving the land barren would create the great dust storms known as black blizzards maybe they would not have done that. It is so sad that so many people suffered so greatly from the damage caused from all the dust. Hopefully we know more now that we won't let something like this happen again.
I think that this article was informative. It told people that these events should never be repeated and that people actually have to start thinking about the climate. I can't imagine being in a place withought any vegetation and with giant sandstorms. How long did the sand stay in the air after the initial storm was over.
I was shocked to find out that the worst drought in 1000 years in North America, actually happened pretty recently! It happened in 1934. I did some research and found out that the Dust Bowl actually had a great effect in people settling in California because they had to move away from the drought driven areas. 2.5 million people fled from the Dust Bowl areas with 10 percent moving to California.
I found this article informative, because I had never heard of the Dust Bowl drought, but I wish they had more information on how the Dust Bowl actually affected people's lives. I found it interesting that the black clouds from dust storms, actually made it so that rain could not fall. They did this because there were so many dust particles in the air that they prevented from energy reaching and heating the surface. Overall, great article and I will look into this subject more on my free time.
This was very interesting. I have never even heard of the Dust Bowl before, but it was so horrible. Not a single blade of grass or wheat in a whole county in Oklahoma?! And these black blizzards look so terrifying, and they look a lot like tornados, I couldn't believe what people who were facing it felt like. The aftermath of these dust storms must have been horrifying. Your farm might have been turned into a desert of dust. This was truly astonishing and I really feel bad for the Americans back then. I just can't believe all of the bad things that happened between 1930-50.
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I have never known about the Dust Bowl era until now. I feel like our teachers should teach us this and give us a lesson about it because (1) this is an important era. /the worst drought in 1000 years! and (2) this is actually a good learning lesson for people because usually if something like a "black blizzards" could happen and you would just say that it was Mother Nature's doing and she was just acting up but really it all started with people charging way more for wheat. This would be a good learning opportunity because it shows how you actually can make a difference in the earth when you simply do something like raise prices for wheat.
(Sorry about that whale in that comment. It was on the sticky that I was writing on for the comment and I copied/pasted that sticky so it got on there.)
I never knew the Dust Bowl even existed before reading this article. Now that I know about it, I see how a drought like this could harm California. California is such a major exporter in crops that if a drought as immense as that one occurred, we wouldn't be able to export one of our major products.
I thought this was crazy that the drought we are currently having is the worst in 1,000 years. It was shocking that humans were a main cause of the drought, and they should have thought that taking the plants out would cause storms. I think this really shows how important it is to mind our crops.
I think it is so crazy that the dust bowl was the worst drought in 1000 year! It was crazy that the Dust bowl came to be because of human conduct. Also the dust bowl would destroy crops leaving the land barren. That would create black blizzards .
I believe that this article was very interesting and I had never heard of the term dust bowl. I also thought that it was mind blowing how when the climate gets really dry black blizzards occur and prevent rainfall. I was surprised to find out nature doesn't always work together. I was astonished to find out that not one grain was found because the climate was so dry. Finally, I thought it was so cool that trees can not only tell age, but tell weather conditions by the rings. This is helpful because you can find a really old tree and compare and contrast the worst year for growth and the best year for growth.
I can't believe what I just learned about the Dust Bowl. It ravaged the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Kansas, and many more western states. 1934. Was probably the worst year of them all. It is amazing that a county in Oklahoma didn’t have a single blade of grass or wheat left. This article was very interesting, and I can't wait to learn more about it.
What happened in North America in the 1930's was far beyond my belief when I first read this. I think that it was a bit of a shock for me to find out that the drought that has been going on now is the biggest in 1000 years. OK, maybe not that long, but I thought that the Dust Bowl was cool. I agree with Rohan about how it is kind of impossible to imagine Earth without vegetation. People SHOULD start thinking more about the climate and what they can do to prevent sandstorms and other natural disasters. This was a really interesting article. I didn't know about the Dust Bowl before and it was cool to learn about it.
I am really surprised that the worst drought in North America was in 1934, which is surprising because by then, both the west and east coast had been civilized, so it would have made a humongous impact. It extended across 70% of America, and it was the worst in the central plains. People must have been suffering greatly, so I am surprised that I never heard about it.
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