Friday, May 1, 2015

Cardborigami: A Solution to Homelessness

Contributed by Ms. Ghazarian


Paisley said...

I thought this was a really neat and brilliant idea for the homeless of L.A. Tina Hovespian created a origami-shaped small tent for homeless people, to give them a tiny home, instead of just lying on the streets. I thought this was a really smart way to get the homeless people off the street, and into free homes that can fold up and be moved.

Owen said...

This is one of the best ideas that I have seen for providing temporary shelter for homeless people. I think that it is cool that this started out as a school project and became something more than that. This shows that something that starts out little can become something big.

Ella said...

This idea was really clever. It is like a tent, but so much simpler. There are so many people living in poverty, and this is a way to help them. This temporary house for people is so innovative and cool. This is a nice non-profit organization and a really good solution.

Justin Y said...

I thought this was a really cool way to stop homelessness in L.A. Having a home that is portable, comfortable, and is very appealing. Even though you might not be homeless, one of these could also be useful for camping or just in case. This is a really cool invention and I think there should be a requirement so that if anyone ever gets homeless, they have one.

Mason said...

I think that it is a neat idea, but I am worried about some weather like wind. Wind could toss this shelter into the air, and would be very dangerous in this kind of shelter. In addition, this shelter doesn't seem like it has very much privacy. You could probably see through the shelter, but otherwise, I like it.

Natalie said...

I agree with Mason, except I have a little different interpretation. I think the wind could toss the shelter around, but most likely the homeless person would be lying in the shelter, therefore preventing the shelter from blowing around everywhere. Yes, this doesn't give much privacy from the outside world. But remember, they're still homeless. Without this, the person wouldn't have any protection at all. If anything, this gives more protection and privacy from its surroundings. On my own thoughts, I really liked this idea. It is a great and innovative idea, especially because it makes the homeless people have a shelter that they can fold up, move to a different location, they sleep in it/have privacy in it all over again. I feel like if they sprayed the contraption with a hydrophobic spray, it would by hydrophobic so if it ever rained, the rain would just drip right off. And if there was wind, all the homeless person would have to do is face it against the wind. If that doesn't make sense, the wind would be hitting the contraption, not let it go through the tunnel of protection and bother the person.