Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science?



Owen said...

I thought that the topic was interesting. I never thought that people thought what they thought about scientific issues based on their social "tribe." Overall, this article was way too long for what the author was trying to convey. He seemed to be saying the same thing over and over without adding any new information.

Brandon D. said...

I thought that the topic was crazy. I can't believe that anyone would doubt science, even though it has done so much for us. It has sent people to the moon, it has sent rovers to mars, it has sent satellites out of the solar system, and most importantly, it has created vaccines that save so many lives a year. Of course, these are all things that these "rebels" don't believe. Some people even think global warming is a hoax! I find that completely unthinkable!

Grace! said...

This is really weird... who doubts science?? Science and math are literally everything; science has sent us over oceans, in planes, to the moon, into space, into the ocean for extended periods of time, etc. Let's not even talk about the accomplishments science has helped us achieve yet, it is completely UNreasonable for people, normal people, or "rebels" to doubt GLOBAL WARMING! It's not a hoax! It's real, people! But I agree with Owen, this was a pretty repetitive article. I hope that some "rebels" wake up to the real scientific world sometime soon!

Celene A. said...

I never thought that any "reasonable" person would ever doubt a scientist. Science has usually proven correct and has done good for us. Although, I do agree with Owen, this article was a bit repetitive.

Emerson said...

I feel very disappointed by this article. Not because of the article (although it was rather repetitive), but because many apparently "reasonable" people believe that science is lying to them. The example of fluoride being in their water and them panicking is just... staggering lunacy. Wake up, good citizens! Open your EYES! (Do you have eyes?) Fluoride is good for you! I just don't understand. Why would anyone doubt science? Although, it may not be these people's fault... They might be blinded by ridiculously philistinic anti-science religious beliefs. If you are an anti-vaxxer, you might be okay with dying of a forgotten disease that took much effort to exterminate, but you are putting others in danger! (BTW, vaccines don't cause autism. That's just another hunk of bat guano.) And thus concludes my unhappy rant on the fact that there are ignorant people on Earth.