Monday, March 16, 2015

The Untold History of Women in Science and Technology - The White House

Edheads - Virtual Hip Replacement Surgery - Interactive

*Disclaimer: Graphic Surgery Photos*

New Ebola Cases Are Declining: Why That's Bad News For A Cure

Dr. Francis Kateh receives an experimental Ebola vaccine as part of a clinical trial that began in Liberia in February 2015. With the number of new cases falling, some experts say it may be too late to gather useful scientific data about potential Ebola drugs and vaccines. 
(Zoom Dosso /AFP/Getty Images)

Researchers May Have Solved Origin-of-Life Conundrum

The crash of meteors on early Earth likely generated hydrogen cyanide, which could have kick-started the production of biomolecules needed to make the first cells.
Joe Tucciarrone/Science Photo LIbraryCorbis

Scientists Confirm 'Greenhouse' Effect of Human's CO2

Earth's atmosphere, here in light blue, acts like the window on a glass greenhouse. Some gases - such as CO2 - trap certain wavelengths of light (here shown in red). That trapped energy, or heat, warms our planet.

How to Pick Up Messages After They're Gone

Today, astronomers read the history of the universe by looking at the light emitted by hot, distance objects. Sometimes, however, those light sources give out - and their light disappears. Good news: A new technique might be able to still read the information that had been carried in that long-gone light.

Blind Man Now Able To See Shapes Thanks To Bionic Eye

Brought to you by James 

     Photo credit: Screenshot of YouTube video/ Mayo Clinic   

Breakthrough in Energy Harvesting Could Power Life on Mars

Leidenfrost Engine

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are - TED Talk Video

Brought to you by Owen

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Humans Need Not Apply - YouTube Video

Brought to you by Owen

Screen Time Can Mess With The Body's 'Clock'

In the five years since its introduction, the tablet computer has become a part of the lives of hundreds of millions of people, young and old. A new study finds reading on them before bedtime can hurt our sleep.

Ocean Animals Have Mushroomed in Size

This blue whale is the biggest animal ever to live. Today's sea creatures tend to be larger - many are more than 100 times larger - than their ancient relatives.

A Universe is a Free Lunch - Video

Brought to you by Owen

Is 'The Dress' White and Gold Or Blue and Black? Visual Perception Expert Weighs In

Brought to you by Paisley

It's all about the way your brain is programmed to understand light - and whether you're a night or day person.

The Law of Conservation of Mass - YouTube Video

Brought to you by Jaime & Natalie

Foraging Metamaterials: Labs Craft Invisibility Cloaks, Perfect Lenses and Nanostructures

Credit: Les Todd, Duke University Photography
An invisibility cloak developed by David Smith's laboratory at Duke University. Placing an object in the center makes it invisible to microwave radiation. The cloaking material splits the oncoming microwaves, guiding them around the object and recombining them on the other side. Since the microwaves do not interact with the cloaked object, an observer on the right or left of the object would not notice it was hidden.

Pleurobot is Salamander-Like Robot With Lifelike Motion

Better Life Index (OECD)

Brought to you by Ben Z. (US2)