Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Law of Conservation of Mass - YouTube Video

Brought to you by Jaime & Natalie


Jenna said...

At first, I was very confused because of all the science words and actions being presented. Then after seeing the models I understood that energy makes atoms construct into carbon and water. I like how they showed the big bang because that is a great example when talking about forming atoms. I also liked how they put a quote at the end of the video that "we are made of star stuff."

Owen said...

So first I had to get straight that mass refers to matter and energy. From the example given about adding two elements together, I would have thought that the mass would be the same whether the elements were separate or together. I never really thought about what happens when elements come together. Since the mass of the elements together is smaller, then something has to be happening to release energy. I wonder if that means that the energy was sitting in the starting elements in the first place.

Ben V. said...

This article was interesting. It was cool how they used models to show that you can't create or destroy mass, it just bonds differently to form other things. It was also interesting how he said that once energy is stored in bonds, you can break those bonds, releasing the energy and transforming the molecules into water molecules. Any gas you do this to or molecule you light up or combust, will turn into water and carbon molecules. This was a good way of proving the law of conservation of mass.

James G. said...

I really liked this video. It was really educating and gave very good examples of the law of conservation of mass like H2O and methane. I do wish that the video showed more complex molecules, like those that make us. But overall I really liked this video.

Conor B. said...

I thought that this article was very intriguing. But I want to pose an unknown question to anybody who knows: if we continuously (theoretically infinitely) electrocuted atomic particles, wouldn't we discover and endless amount of additional materials? With these new substances, humanity would be able to create more amazing things than it already has. I also want to talk about some of the applications of this, namely, how we can build different structures instantaneously by electrocuting the environment around us. For example, if you strap a solar panel to the back of a man, and give him an outlet to release energy, than with the right amount, he could easily manipulate his surroundings. If humans discovered exactly how many watts would be required to force particles to construct a specific thing, we could instantly build anything we desired. Thank you for listening! Please reply with additional information or a rebuttal!

Brandon Y. said...

I really liked this video. I thought that this video showed great examples of molecules but at the end of the video I was wondering what made the human body and how the reaction happened. I also thought that it was interesting how it was not possible to break mass or form it, only to be formed into other atoms and molecules. Here are some videos and articles about the law of conservation of mass:

Ma said...

A lot of this was redundant for me, but I like how they showed so much in such a short amount of time. Very good Job!

Jaime said...

I think this video is very informative. It is cool that you can use energy to rearrange the atoms, and then it gets stored in all of the bonds between the atoms. In Einstein's equation I never knew that the E and mc2 in E=mc2 stood for energy equal mass squared. It was interesting that energy and matter can not be created or destroyed. Carl Sagan said that everything is made out of star stuff, beucase the stars are made out of atoms and in the big bang the earth was made out of stars.

Grace said...

Does anyone know who Ma is??