Monday, March 16, 2015

Scientists Confirm 'Greenhouse' Effect of Human's CO2

Earth's atmosphere, here in light blue, acts like the window on a glass greenhouse. Some gases - such as CO2 - trap certain wavelengths of light (here shown in red). That trapped energy, or heat, warms our planet.


Owen said...

I liked this article but it lacked some major details. For example, they said, "in air boosted the amount of the sun's heat on the ground by 0.2 watts per square meter. That's an increase of about 10%," but they never said what that 10% was is degrees Fahrenheit. For all I know, it could be 44.2° to 45.6°. It would be nice of they had specified.

I didn't think that this article was very informative. For example, the article basically only talked about stuff that I already knew and then explained it more in-depth and gave examples about it. The things that they talked about that I already knew was that greenhouse gases were making the earth warmer by trapping sunlight and heat inside of the atmosphere.

Allie said...

I agree with Owen. Though this was an interesting article, it lacked sufficient detail and wasn't very informative. This mostly revolved around one group who had been doing research for almost 10 years! That's almost as long as I've been alive! I feel that they should have more data with that long a research time. This article was quite interesting, but very lacking in what I want most, detail. Like Owen said, most of the things that they mentioned were things that I already knew, so it would have been nice if they had maybe talked more in-depth about the experiment. It seems like a cool project though, and I would like to learn more about it.