Thursday, March 5, 2015

Is 'The Dress' White and Gold Or Blue and Black? Visual Perception Expert Weighs In

Brought to you by Paisley

It's all about the way your brain is programmed to understand light - and whether you're a night or day person.


Talia said...

I already knew the information in this article, but it was good to see an example and more reasoning. I for one see it as white and gold, but I know that the dress is actually black and blue. This article is a bit confusing and I think it should have more about the DRESS and less about the example. If you look up pictures of the dress you can see versions where it looks white and gold AND blue and black. I found a video about the dress. Link below

Grace said...

This was really necessary to talk about because it is trending. I saw it as white and gold, but it was confirmed that it was blue and black. I know that my parents and friends saw it as blue and black and I saw it as white and gold. There was an image that showed it as white and gold, blue and gold, and blue and black. For me, if I squinted, I could see it as blue and black, but it looked white and gold when I just look at the normal dress. Science was a big factor in this and it seemed like it was just some stupid post about what color a dress it when the photo is snapped at a strange angle, but in reality you have to consider: Well, to some people it is white and gold and to some it's blue and black, and some don't care, but the way your eyes work and the way you see things, if you are slightly colorblind you will probably see it as more white and gold then blue and black, I think. But if you are just a normal person, it depends what image you are looking at, how your eyes are structured and if you wear glasses or not, I guess, and opinion. Visual perception is a huge factor in this, but the article didn't cover as much about the dress. It was a dress for a wedding and the image was from a mom to a daughter saying, "I like the blue and black one" and the daughter said that she saw white and gold and then it went viral. I think the dress was used in some commercial about domestic violence, or something, or other. Not to be inappropriate or anything though. I really liked this article because it was really something that's popular online, and that people know a lot about, and it's really cool to look at the dress and the data about the dress and to determine what color the dress actually is. This article was a great source to learn about visual perception using a great example that is viral and kids can talk about and have debates about the color. I really hope that there are other articles out there like this, and that there might be something in the future that involves visual perception and learning about it as well. Thanks Paisley for the article and I would rate it 9/10 because it was a little fancy, didn't talk about the dress as much related to the concept of visual perception, and was a little bit boring to look at and talk about. I really liked it though and was really confused about the dress when I first laid eyes on it!!

Owen said...

In the article, the squares marked A and B are the same shade of gray. These looked different to me. So much that I took a picture of a part of each square and compared them to each other. Although I know they are identical, I still can't tell that they are the same when I look at the picture. I think it is fascinating that there can be optical illusions like this.

As for all the talk about the dress, I am surprised that this caught the attention of so many people.

Thank you Talia for posting the link. It was interesting to see more information about the topic.

Ella said...

I love this dress trend. To me, it depends on where you are standing. But, like Talia said, there are different versions of the dress.
To me, it seems like people sometimes think to hard when they look at the picture. It is almost like they know they are going to be tricked. It is really cool that just the light has such an impact on the dress. This dress really is an optical illusion!
I really loved this article, and I am glad that I guessed the right colors!

Julianna said...

Because of the lighting, I see the colors white and gold. Actually, the colors that are on the dress are blue and black. I guess because of the 'white balance' the blue turns into white. I always wondered, how does the black look like gold? I can understand why the blue looks like white, but the color black does not look similar to the color gold. The 'white balance' makes an effect on the colors, but it is just amazing how different people see different colors. Overall, the science behind this dress is really interesting, and I am going to ask people which colors they see.

Talia said...

I completely agree with Grace. Although it is a cool mind-bender and fun to argue about these stupid little things, its unnecessary. Your welcome Owen :).

Allie said...

I had a lot of fun reading this article. I agree with Talia too. I already knew this information, but I still had a good time reading this from a different perspective. I saw the dress as blue and black, which is it's real colors. All in all, I had a good time reading this, and I think that it is super cool.

Kendall said...

I was looking around on some other websites.. and i found that people see the dress is different colors because they have a different number of cylinders. It you have 4 cylinders, then you see black and blue. People with 3 cylinders see gold and white OR white and blue. The is a test you can take to find out how many you have. The people with teh most cylinders can pick out the most colors from the rainbow. About 50-70. The people with 3 can see between 30-50 colors.

Kendall said...

As for Graces comment here is the add that it was featured in.

Google Salvation Army Blue Dress Ad.

The ad is
Why is it so hard to see black and blue

With a picture of a model with black and blue bruises. in a white and gold dress.

Lily said...

i thought this was very interesting. I already have seen an article like this, but I still enjoyed it. I see blue and black. Once I saw it as white and gold though. I think Talia is right, they should have focused on the dress rather than the example. I thought that it is very interesting how our brains see something different than what things are. It makes me wonder how much of what we think we see is real or not. I have seen other illusions like this and I think they are very confusing and a little frustrating because you are being told one thing, but see another.

Sophia said...

I see the dress as White and Gold from the lighting. Like Talia, I already new all of this information. I didn't really like this article very much because, like Talia, they should have more information on the dress. I know that the different colors people see are behind science, but still they should talk more about the dress. Also I don' think that they should have so many quotes, I mean they are useful, but the should talk about the study that they found and why people are seeing different colors in the dress. This is a better article.

I talks about the dress. I can't believe that the dress is actually blue and black.. This article has so much more information. I like this article better.

Olivia said...

I am really happy Paisley decided to suggest this article. I have seen this dress all over the internet and instagram and I always saw blue and black. When it was first brought to my attention I was so surprised when I found out some people so white and gold. I thought that it was interesting that everybody sees blue and black in the actual dress that sells in the store, but once it was filtered and the angle of the photo makes it look white and gold to some people because of the light shining behind it. I am so glad I was able to learn about the science behind why everybody sees a different color. The human eye is truly fascinating.