Thursday, March 5, 2015

Pleurobot is Salamander-Like Robot With Lifelike Motion


Owen said...

When I saw the pleurobot walking in the video, I thought that it was small like a lizard but then the video panned out and I saw it walking next to a person, it was so much bigger than I originally thought. I like seeing robotic projects like this because I like seeing robots in action. I think it was a good solution for waterproofing to come up with a waterproof wetsuit. Although they said it wasn't a permanent solution to waterproofing, it at least allows the researchers to do testing in water in the lab.

Brandon D. said...

I think that a good solution for waterproofing is using waterproof plastics to cover the bot and the wires that make it work. I like how they designed this by looking at a real salamander's movements to make the movements of the bot lifelike and accurate.