Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ADHD Linked to Air Pollutants

Air pollution from cars and industries can spew pollutants known as PAHs. A new study shows children have a greater risk of ADHD if their mothers inhaled a lot of PAHs while pregnant.

1 comment:

Maxwell said...

ADHD is now a very serious disease that does not get much attention. This happens from the regular day car driving around releasing pollution or a person smoking. I find smoking very unreasonable, it is only started by someone thinking that they will feel better or look cooler. Which are two odd reasons to start, no one will think you are cooler just because you are doing something that is shortening your life. Though even if you are in a huge meltdown you can just go to sleep it isn't that bad to almost ruin your life just because you are very sad only for a few minutes. A way to stop most car pollutants is to switch to electric cars which produce less emissions to the enviorment making ADHD very uncommon. I find it odd that ADHD usually starts while a mother is pregnant rather when the child is living for its first few years.