Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Everybody Farts. But Here Are 9 Surprising Facts About Flatulence You May Not Know.


Brandon D. said...

I think it is hilarious that there is an article about farts! I do find it very interesting, though. I can't believe that a normal person farts 10-20 times a day! Also, most farts that people produce don't smell at all! I'm not surprised that I fart a lot because I eat a lot of wheat and dairy.

Grace said...

LOL. But this is cool. I like the part where it says that you can light a fart on fire. LOL. But it's cool how when you walk into someone's house, you'll notice a smell, but in yours, there's hardly any. It's a cool article though. It's funny, but when you laugh about it, you realize how interesting farting is. I mean, yeah, toot, and everyone giggles. But there's science behind it too. Also, my mom should cut down on the soda, it sounds like a train in here :) :)

Sydney said...

I thought that this article was really cool! I knew that not all farts smell(but it really doesn't seem like it) but I did not know that you could light one on fire! I actually totally relate to the fact that when smells come from you, you don't really care as much, but when they come from a different source they're much more prominent, like in the house analogy, which happens to me all the time.

Ayden said...

This article was actually very informative. I have never knew so much about farts! Farting is actually interesting and much more complex than you might think. It is amazing that everyone farts 10-20 times a day, but you don't realize it. Everyone in modern society thinks that farting is embarrassing and bad for you, and it is embarrassing sometimes, but it isn't bad for you at all! And I can definitely relate to how you think that there is an odor in someone else's house, but not for you. It is because you are used to it, jus like your are used to your own farts, which I can also relate to. Overall, this was a very funny article, but I still learned a lot from it.

James G. said...

I think that this article was very informative. The fact that something so simple as farts is caused by such a complex system of bacteria is amazing. Just remember, farts are good, gut-bacteria is good, and farts are good, so don't try to stop them!

Josie said...

HA HA HA. 10 to 20 farts a day. Now that is one stink cloud alright. Wow the bacteria in our intestine can make vitamins for our health and extract energy from the food to give to us. The bacteria can also boost our immune system. Even thought the farts may be stinky they help our bodies. I will let the farts come out when they need to but the one rule is that they have to be very quiet.

Julianna said...

WOW! I did not know all this stuff! I can not believe that gum and soda make you fart more! It makes sense why because when you chew gum, you are swallowing a lot of air. Soda, probably because it is bubbly. I even thought that you can hold in a fart, and eventually it slowly disappears. But, I guess not! Also, as it said in the article, 99 percent of your fart does not smell! That means that the 1 percent that does smell, sometimes smells a TON or very lightly. This article was actually pretty interesting, and I did not know much about flatulence until now.

Siji said...

It is very interesting how our body lacks the digestive qualities that we need to digest types carbohydrates. So we rely on bacteria, which end up digesting it for us by fermenting the food, which leaves behind gas. After reading this article, it seems to me that passing gas may be a good sign because it means that your digestive bacteria are working well and digesting all of the food that your body can't digest.

Mina said...

Seriously? A whole article on farts? Okay, I'm not going to pretend to be grossed out. This is pretty awesome! Like Brandon said, I had no idea that I (or anyone else, for that matter) fart 10-20 times a day! In fact, I didn't know a lot of things about farts! Farting is good for you? You can light farts on fire? I also think that the part about not minding the smell of your own farts was interesting. It makes sense, and I've experienced times when I walk into a friend or neighbor's house and smell something odd. Everyone should be reading this article, especially people who find farts the grossest things ever. This is a real smack in the face for them!

Jason G. said...

This article is something that everybody needs to know about in the lifetime. The process of passing gas (if you will) is a very interesting one. This article was informative telling us that such a simple process of passing gas could be so complex. I did know that not all farts smell but, let's be honest, lighting a fart on fire! Whaaaat!?! I also didn't know that only 1% of the whole fart actually smells. Sometimes the process of farting can make everybody start to laugh. Guys, people can't help it. It's nature. The facts about flatulence can be very helpful in life especially if I do it in front of my brothers.

Natalie said...

Wow. Such a silly topic but yet such a great science topic. I definitely didn't know that, and when you think about it, (1) you definitely don't count your farts, and (2) your doctor probably doesn't tell you this stuff. They probably only tell you basic stuff like digesting. And it is interesting that your farts only have 1% of smelliness. And although we did know that beans make you fart, you probably didn't know all of the stuff in the article. Wow, a whole article about it, too...

Xavier C said...

I thought it was cool that farts are caused by having a health immune system, so every time someone farts it shows they are healthy. I also agree with Sydney and wanted to say that when you fart you try to cover up for the fact that you did it