Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How 'Bugs' in Our Bellies Impact Our Health

Gut bacteria can turn a nutrient in red meat into a chemical that increases the risk of hardened arteries. The new finding helps explain why eating lots of red meat might foster heart disease.


Grace said...

This is nuts. I mean, I like eating red meat, but this scares me. I want to eat it, I hate sitting at a table and chewing the same piece of well done beef for half an hour. But I think that's better than a heart attack. I like this article in the sense that it is informative and shows important bacterial information, but it can scare some people. I will go eat some well done beef now...bye!

James said...

I think that is article is as scary as it is informative. Red meat can be delicious, but that deliciousness comes at a price. I would much rather eat well done meat than red meat even before this article, so I think that this just makes me support what I do more. So all and all, I think that this is a great article

Ayden said...

I think that this was very interesting. I never could have imagined that there were 10 times more bacterial cells in you than actual human cells. I thought that there were only a few thousand bacterial cells in your stomach and intestines, but no, there are way more. About red meat, I personally do not each red meat much, in fact, I probably only eat it at most once a month, because people of my cultural background do not eat red meat much. But I am surprised how red meat can give you TMAO. That is a little scary.

Siji said...

This article was very interesting, but there isn't a direct link between red meat and heart attacks. It mentioned that bacteria in your gut break down a nutrient called L-carnitine. There are a lot of these in red meat. As bacteria eat the L-carnitine, they leave behind trimethylamine. Inside the human gut, the trimethylamine gets turned into trimethylamine-N-oxide. This will cause fatty substances to increase resistance in your blood flow, and could eventually cause a heart attack, because if the blood flow is hardened the heart has to pump much harder. This makes a lot of sense, however it is definitely not a direct link. So you shouldn't worry too much about eating red meat and think it's going to give you a heart attack. They're basically just saying that bacteria digesting the red meat will leave behind this substance that the body will convert, and it will eventually harden the blood stream and cause a heart attack. This is a long chain of steps, and it is unlikely that eating a little red meat will give you a heart attack. Just makes sure not to gorge yourself on the meat!

Ella said...

That is crazy. I really love eating meat! I am now very scared to eat meat. It show how much bacteria is in the meat, but it also means that red meat is very dangerous. I am now ordering well done meat!