Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Early Asteroid Impacts May Have Aided Life's Origin

Brought to you by Siji

Asteroids and comets that smashed into the planet billions of years ago, as in this illustration, could have provided the necessary energy to hot-wire life, new experiments suggest.

1 comment:

Siji said...

This article was very interesting. If explosions from the early asteroids could have sparked the creation of genetic molecules, life could have started on the asteroids. Over the billions of years, these life forms on the asteroids could have transferred to earth and became the original life forms on earth. Earth was created from a series of fiery asteroid collisions, which is why earth's core is all lava (because of the explosion impact of the asteroid collisions). If the explosion from the asteroids started life, than earth's life was all from asteroids. This is so interesting because if earth has life because of asteroids, than any other rock planet that was created from asteroid collisions could contain life forms. So our planet may not be the only planet containing life.