Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Fontus Water Bottle


Sydney said...

That is incredible! It's so cool how a water bottle can collect water from the air and fill itself. The one question I have is: How can a water bottle take water out of thin air if the air is not foggy or anything? That seems impossible because the air is not always full of water, and even if it was, wouldn't that be kind of a slow process unless it was really wet?

Hunter said...

I think that it is incredible because if used on a much larger scale they could be a break through in creating more water. I find it so cool that just from having moisture in the air the device can make water. The fact that you put it on your bike is really cool but I just like think the thought of making millions of these to give whole cities water.

Grace said...

I agree completely with Sydney. This does seem a little odd, but anything that gives us water in the middle of the drought will help. :). I like the idea of making a large model so that people who live in dry cities that aren't next to an ocean, lake, or beach can get fresh water when needed. I love this article and this idea. This is incredible.

Emerson said...

This seems like a great idea! It is so cool that even if you aren't carrying a lot of water with you on, say, a bike ride, you could still have water even after you had consumed all the water you brought. In answer to your question, Sydney, I think that if it is not foggy or humid, it might be slower, but there are always tiny particles of water in the atmosphere. It says that at 50% humidity and around 68 degrees Fahrenheit, it produces a drop of water a minute, so you would not be getting a lot of water. Also, the design needs to be more refined. The inventor even admitted that. The device currently lacks a purification system, so in a place with smoggy or polluted air, the water might not be drinkable. But this is still amazing!

Mina said...

This is really amazing. I agree with Emerson about the fact that the design needs to be refined, though. With all the pollution going on, especially in big cities like LA, the water that Fontus absorbs could be seriously dangerous to humans. After the inventor adds a couple features, though, this could help a lot with our drought!

Rohan said...

This is a genius idea. If people can make this bigger and function without using mobility there would be a almost endless supply of water. This could really help with droughts. I have one question: If the bike was moving really slowly would it still produce water but really slowly or would it continue producing water at the same rate?

Lily said...

100I think this idea could be really helpful. If people could use this idea instead of a regular everyday water bottle, then we could help with the drought. I wanted to know how scientists got the idea for this so I did a little research and found out that water producing products are modeled after Namib desert beetle. Each morning, it climbs on top of a sand dune and faces away from the wind. It ensures that the water condenses into the places on its back that are hydrophilic. Then the water goes to a storage place in the body. They use nanotechnology to make these. Here it is:
If we find a way to make this on a much larger scale we can cure thirstiness around the globe. Of course, there would still be some problems. These would not be cheap. I think that while people are on a bike ride, they don't have to worry about having enough water for the whole time. If they did, they might have had to bring a big and heavy water bottle. I think it is really interesting that he used his bathroom to find the right temperature and climate for the water bottle. It shows that you don't need a lab or fancy equipment to conduct a great experiment. I agree with Emerson because this could be dangerous to humans. If somebody was riding by a fire or a factory, their water could get contaminated. I think that in order for this idea to be used, it would have to have a filter. I would not use it.

Rhea M. said...

I think this is an amazing invention however its not so efficient. In one hour it can produce about 60 droplets and thats most probably not even a quarter of a bottle. If we mad this on a much larger scale it would help but I don't think this would be very cheap and it would be way to heavy to carry. I wouldn't buy this. There are so many flaws with this such as what if its a hot day and the temperture not just right it won't even produce a drop in a minute, But htats just my opinion

Julianna said...

WOW! This invention must help many bikers or people running marathons. I believe it is very useful for being to places on time or for marathons, etc. Although, I do expect people to still get up and fill their own water bottles, so they don't get used to not doing stuff for themselves. It is very important for people to not be lazy, in my opinion. Anyways... I imagine the science behind the invention is marvelous! It seems very complicated, but who knows, maybe it is not. The way they grasp moisture from the air and separate water molecules from air molecules, then put it in a bottle is impressive. It must have took a very long time. Overall, I believe the self-filling water bottle is a little useful and a little not useful.

Julianna said...

I read Rhea's comment and I do agree with her. The invention only produces around 60 droplets in one hour, which is probably less than a quarter of a bottle. I think it is just easier to get up and fill your water bottle yourself. Although, the invention is a good idea. But maybe it should be improved to a lot more droplets and hour.