Friday, November 7, 2014

Why is Ebola Suddenly in the News?


Rhea said...

I thought this article showed that Ebola and other diseases or cases are always around but when it becomes serious people have to know about it so they are warned. In this case Ebola is rare so even if it was in one country they would most probably still advertise it because it is very dangerous. Ebola is only is in the new because it is at the point where it is becoming deadly. The chart of the cases and deaths are really interesting because if there are more cases than deaths it kind of gives me hope that it can be beat but a majority of the cases have deaths so that's also a main reason it's in the news because many deaths have occurred with this disease.

Mina said...

I read this article to become a little more familiar with Ebola, its symptoms, its causes, etc. I didn't learn a lot of new things, but what I did learn was interesting. For example, I didn't know Ebola traveled through bats. Doesn't that sound more like a vampire disease than Ebola?

What I really want to know is why Ebola settles down for years at a time, then strikes powerfully, killing so many people.

It's kind of scary to see how many people have died, and the numbers are so big I can hardly wrap my mind around them, but in a way, it's comforting to see how many people haven't died, and how many people have beat the illness.

Olivia said...

As I first began to read this article I noticed that the countries Ebola had hit are generally poor and lack resources. Then, I saw the united states. Ebola is a virus that is thought to be caused from bats. There are no bats in the United States except for the ones from Mexico that have migrated. This is the reason that we have not have had an outbreak before. Thomas Duncan from Liberia brought it to the US from Liberia so he could be treated. However, it resulted in and american outbreak as soon as the doctors who treated him were tested positive with Ebola. Ebola is in our news lately because it is something that we can easily ignore but it is something that we should all be concerned about. Yes, people have called it "dangerous" and "frightening" but many doctors believe we may have a cure by next year. There is even a company who has a theory on how to cure Ebola. All they have to do is raise the money to test it. So yes, Ebola is something we should be concerned about but Ebola will be taken care of in the United States.

Ayden said...

Although I think that this article should include some more information, it as interesting to learn more about Ebola. Ebola is mostly hitting the poorer African countries, who have little ability to deal with a dangerous virus like Ebola. The saddest thing is that at first, you only think that the sick person has the flu, but then they are suddenly hit with the other Ebola symptoms and then it is too late. Although Ebola is a horrible disease, we should not be too worried because it cannot spread through air, and America has the ability to care for Ebola, unlike the poorer countries.

Grace said...

Ebola disappears for years at a time, then just comes back and infects thousands. This disease is mainly caused in the countries that are third world countries, and lack the resources and money to make medicine to fight back. Ebola is a disease that has killed many people, but, like Mina said, it is comforting to see how many people HAVEN'T died and have overcome this powerful disease. Ebola wouldn't be AS dangerous if it was like cancer: non-contagious. This disease will probably continue to be a threat to the world, mostly Africa. Remember, WASH YOUR HANDS!!

Richie said...

Ebola is a disease that is rare to get, but once you have it, it is very hard to get rid of it. Ebola is a disease that has devastated country's in mid to west Africa. Here is an interesting website that provides a lot of information on this disease.

The article had some very interesting information pertaining to why the disease had gained so much popularity, but one thing I didn't know was that it had already claimed hundreds of lives BEFORE the outbreak today. I wonder why Ebola is so big now, when a few years ago it was still killing many African people. A possibility was that HIV or AIDS was claiming all the attention, and it is a proven fact as it states in the article that AIDS is a more deadly disease than Ebola.

Kendall said...

I think the reason that Ebola is suddenly in the news is because it is the biggest Ebola out break ever. But that does not mean that is it the biggest cause of death. At the momentum, more people in Africa die of colds than of Ebola. Ebola is the cause of .4% of the deaths in Africa. And other countries in Africa have had Ebola, and because they informed the people, they could eliminate it. The places they are hitting are places they are uneducated and poor. If they tell the leaders of the towns that they need to get rid of the dead bodies instead of keeping them out for a week so people can kiss them off to the next world. BAD IDEA Ebola spreads the faster in the 2 weeks after the person dies, so that is why so many people are getting sick. The only people in America that are getting sick are the doctors that are helping infected people. Other than that, no random civilians.